... when the daughter of the mother wants to do something good?
Na Sesame Street: A gift certificate ...
... for an even longer-awaited photo shoot!
Pretty women and on top of some nice (!), There is a photographer always happy in front of the lens ;-)
So in this case, near Ulm.
Kati wanted to be a Nature-loving girlfriend walking a shooting in a suitable environment. A few ideas were concocted rather quickly and picked out a few suitable locations.
missing since then only a beautiful summer day and off you went:
course, was allowed to man in the picture, who had previously assisted me Supergut Sun!
with the hay bales we had caught a good timing, since the farmer short time later and was clearing the ball - without regard to losses (see below)!
We had soooo good ideas and then had to change plans at short notice.
At this point I break gonna be a blow for all the farmers that provide our daily bread, and in this case have taken so patiently for the "Photo people" regard to the pictures in the box were!
After all, we are invaded with all sorts of equipment and two cars in the fields.
After all, we are invaded with all sorts of equipment and two cars in the fields.
Thank you!
way, I'll continue to bring down a few "making of" images. Katja has photographed alongside me in action and made it very amusing photos!
I say yes's lurking paparazzi everywhere ...
Here is the "making of" story ...
have at this point I then noticed ..;-)
Good morning, Mr. Gassmann ...!
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