Saturday, April 3, 2010

Brazilian Wax El Paso Texas


has recently been "first barbecue," I've smelled. Yesterday we "angeholzt" and have promised the Easter sun used to Ith in the wood, the first climbing meters of the year on to make rock.

with Isa, Claudia and Jan, we were yawning and shivering, but with high spirits, at 9:30 clock in the sun in the parking lot under the rock of wood. In particular, the Tyrolean eyes eyed anticipation the promised, North German climbing Mecca. Even after the climb to the rocks, the first climbing routes in the sun on the limestone and the relaxed atmosphere in the forest but a new Ith-girlfriend was found.

We climbed several routes on the wall ladder to heaven to us the advancing hordes of the displaced Obliwand because unfortunately Dragon Wall & Co is gesprerrt over bird breeding. There we enjoyed ourselves with a few clean routes, after I received a red dot in the was allowed to pick up 2hoch6 +1. Just before sunset, I discovered something further down the wall a troll platy edge, which was identified as climbing days end, especially since it reminded me of my Norway. But only until I had a piece in hand Bröselkalk almost tilted from the wall. Echter, Norwegian granite has been something ... ;)

Conclusion: Super day, no exploits, but had a lot of fun and Isa is in love with the Ith!


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