creative project work with rock roof
War climb again today with Moritz and we were both quite willing to - well, you could say that very motivated, just too eager to pick up our carefully tended and cherished projects. Moritz in Genesis I and the North German standard roof. Both in Grade 8 - even though Genesis is sure to review very strict.
This time it should be so. Routes trimmed and warmed up I got the first one in my little roof. Bottom super, shaken here, as drawn. Then arrived the attic. Hui, the hook was clipped quickly and it felt so good today. Ouch am, and even with the right of the bar. Choke, Schubb, curse, change of hands. That was just good again. , Heading into the roof and the redemptive handles. One, two, three ... Feet high, held Sloper (was so dressed up!) And zag to the left. Is easy! The last trains stay tuned. Since the roof was in the bag! Juhu! Questioner looks from Moritz in deflation ... "And why you are there always fell out ???". Hm?
Well, then came Moritz and the Genesis. A project since 2006! And today, it should fall - or he, for the job invites you to a 7-week break climbing. The route he can read, as the Pope, the creation story from the Bible. Since the hand, then zag foot cliffs, and so on. Today: First attempt below rumgefummelt rausgeplumst and the trough-to-voltage Sloper erector. Second try below super, Sloper, ARGH!, Shit. Plums! Then again ausgebouldert the job. It decides that it's better with a little momentum going. Third try. Rain drops? Last try! Bottom super, Sloper-divorce **- hole dynamic drüberweg. Bar, cliffs shake. The next flow meter clean. This looks great! Then at the last minute. How can you tie the legs SO?! Oh no! Where is the latest catch? Far away, below ... Oops! Neee Moritz, that's it! Lot more! Top Gewurschtel and swearing. Neeeee! I kommeeee! Only flying is better ....
pity. I thought he had it in the bag. But next time, Moritz!
In August, then again ....
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